About the Dutch Network Science Society
About the society
The Dutch Network Science Society (www.netsci.nl), founded in 2018, is the official Dutch chapter of the International Network Science Society (www.netscisociety.net). The society’s mission is to consolidate and support theoretical and applied network analysis research in the Netherlands in the broadest sense. The aim is to do so with both the interdisciplinary academic network science community as well as relevant industry partners and public sector organizations.
Organized activities and events include scientific seminars and colloquia, open lectures, summer schools, a young talent award, Dutch nominations for the International Erdős–Rényi Prize, dissemination (offline, online and on social media) of relevant news, events, job opportunities and other information related to network science, in the Netherlands and abroad.
The society operates through a board, consisting of network science researchers in the Netherlands from various scientific disciplines and universities. The board convenes multiple times per year, and is headed by a chair or two co-chairs. The board also has an advisory committee. Activities are typically organized by one or more board members, together with others from the field. Are you interested in helping out with future events? Let us know!